Northamptonshire business

714392 people live in Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire covers the area of 913 sq.miles. There are forty thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight active companies have been registered in Northamptonshire. At the moment there are one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one not active business entities registered in Northamptonshire. In 2015: the total assets of all businesses operating in Northamptonshire were £1856.25k. The total cash of all companies working in the county were £807.22k. The liabilities of all businesses were £3374.66k in 2015. In 2016 the total assets of all businesses registered in Northamptonshire were £352200.9k. The total cash of all companies registered in the county were £117414.62k. The liabilities of all businesses were £248838.32k.

Wellingborough NN8 5AY, NN8 1LU, NN8 4LQ, NN8 5AA
Corby NN17 5JG, NN18 9DZ, NN18 9EZ, NN18 8RW
Kettering NN14 1EW, NN14 6HZ, NN15 6WJ, NN16 8JS
Northampton NN1 5RY, NN1 1LW, NN1 5EB, NN5 5LF
Daventry NN11 2EH, NN6 8PY, NN11 8YL, NN11 8QY
East Northamptonshire NN10 8PL, PE8 6XR, NN10 0SY, NN9 6ET
South Northamptonshire NN11 6UH, NN12 8JJ, NN7 1LF, NN12 8EQ